I've just wrapped my Summer / Autumn wedding season for 2015, So I'll be winding down by organizing some photo shoots for pinterest and instagram + Preparing for some upcoming wedding expos. Including;
Getting Hitched @ Mingara Tumbi Umbi (June)
Vintage Bride Wedding Expo @ Newcastle Panthers(July)
After Yes, Comes I Do, Bridal expo @ the springs (August)
Love on the Lawn @ Hope Estate (October)
And Central Coast Annual Wedding Expo @ The Entertainment Grounds (November)
And in the middle of all that craziness I have a trip to Japan and the joy of meeting my spring/ summer brides for their makeup previews/ trials and their big days.
I'm really hoping to have my new touch up kits ready by end of winter/ early spring! I bought the prettiest drinking straws the other day to be included in the kit, super excited for them to arrive! Still tossing up brands to source for lipstick and gloss ( it's really really hard finding mini lip glosses by the way). Still brainstorming other items to include and what I can call them? ( unfortunately I'm corny and not good at names! haha!) . I've also bought really cool stickers.
( are you sick of reading about these kits yet?)