Update - April 2015

We're into the start of April now, and since the beginning of the year I've doubled the amount of wedding bookings I took last year, isn't that crazy!!

I feel like I'm taking the right steps as to my career and all my hard work is paying off, this morning I googled "Newcastle makeup artist" and found myself on page 3! I used to be on page 7 or later so that was a exciting little surprise for my morning, totally reaffirms my decision to take this on full time.

I've moved away from the Sydney fashion scene for the moment and portfolio wise focused on creating a refreshed and updated bridal portfolio for you guys. sticking closer to home and working with some fantastic local wedding businesses from Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. I'm in the process of creating a really stunning collection of images  that represent my work, my aesthetic in makeup and my personality through my portfolio. Full of fun, colour and life, because that's what weddings mean to me, I see them as a day that celebrates you, your partner and your happiness together.

my next step is to try and add some more bridal editorials and publications to my credits list, my last major bridal magazine was vintage bride in December, so hopefully some of the portfolio updates I've been part of will find themselves published soon!

Everything right now seems like it'll be smooth sailing, 

I'm a happy girl.